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Jesus showing up in my dream |
Me and the Lord Jesus were inside a dark room, with the only light coming from His luminous white cloth, with arms and hands outstretched downwards towards me. Behind Him on His left, I can see a steep stair leaning forward to a seemingly upper room. He was facing me but I don't remember me staring at His eyes, all I remember is me trying hard to reach Him with my hands extended trying to touch His hands. This is my ever first dream of holies. This is the dream I always go back to when I am need to connect to Him strongly.
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Jesus walking with me in the desert |
This time, He told me something I cannot forget: 'Why leave? There are so many things that need to be done here. And I am showing you the way.' He pointed to the big rocks in the desert as He spoke these words.
This dream profoundly impacted me. For several years, I never considered working outside my home country. Even though I grew up in a family of overseas workers, I stubbornly insisted on proving to everyone in my circle that I could thrive in the Philippines without needing to go abroad. Deep inside, I always pondered the Lord's message. I believed He wanted me to stay and heed His call.
So, for all those years that I remained in the Philippines, I sought Him in my workplaces. I learned every lesson, facing each challenge – big or small. I made significant mistakes, of course. But ultimately, I reached a point where I had learned and experienced all that I needed to before the Lord presented me with a reason to venture beyond my shores. Now that I am residing in a country where desert is but normal and ordinary, I am wondering if that message is also meant for me to prolong my stay here where His tasks for me are so clear.![]() |
The Three Archangels: Gabriel, Michael and Raphael |
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The Blessed Virgin Mary in Anguish and in Pain |
I remember being bothered, feeling that Mama Mary might be angry at me.
Then I was taken to a cemetery, where a lot of kids were buried. I saw Mother Mary's statue along with an angel there, and Mother Mary in a tiny image smiled at me, making me feel relieved knowing that she was not mad at me.
I think what she was crying about were about children being sacrificed, children dying, and people are not doing anything about it.
I vowed to pray everyday with her through the rosary to help her pray for all the souls in need of prayers.
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Walking with my angel Napoleon |
It was night. I was walking along a street in Ayala Alabang when suddenly, this cute little angel appeared on my side.
I asked him, "What's your name?" He said "Napoleon."
I forgot what I told him next but I remember him responding to me "Don't be afraid. I will teach you how to be invisible."
We walked that night, invisible from others.
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Tiny pieces of Eucharistic Bread that keeps multiplying |
July 20, 2012:
I was being given super tiny breads like that of papers coming from a puncher hole. I didn't know how to take it at first, so what I did was put it all in my right hand and had it all in my mouth as if I am eating peanuts. After putting it into my mouth, I had my right hand closed, but after a few seconds, I opened it and saw numerous tiny breads again as if it reproduced, and this time, with bigger pieces as well!
I felt it was a miracle specifically made for me by the Lord, and I wanted to tell our parish priest right away but could not even text on my mobile phone properly.
When I woke up, I realized it was the answer of the Lord to my longing last night of wanting to see and feel Him and even imagined seeing Him that night.
That dream occurred on my 'second sleep'. The first time I woke up in the morning, I realized I didn't see Him in my dream. Then, on that same morning, I just got so sleepy again which was weird. That was the time I dreamt of the Holy Bread multiplying on my hand.
It was His way of showing up in my dream this time.
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Flying white horses in the sky |
April 25, 2017:
It was night.
I saw big white horses on the sky, flying around, four of them.
One was big. When I woke up, I thought of this big horse as Pegasus.
Right after seeing this, to my right, upper right, in the sky was a very bright light as if something was going to come out of it. In that dream, I know He Who Is is arriving.
I went to the group of people praising Him.
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Kissing the hand of Mother Mary |
December 04, 2017:
I was with some people when someone said, 'Look at the sky!' Immediately, I saw like a big shadow, a very big shadow of the Blessed Mary, and she was becoming visible little by little. Until I saw her clearly from the sky! And in a split second, she was up close to me! Right in front of me!
She looked different, brown in complexion, and I guess shorter hair if I remember it right. I told her, 'You look different,' and she smiled. Then, I think I said, 'Can I kiss you?' and I think I kissed her hand!
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Mother Mary smiling at me |
Seconds later, there were some commotion of some kind of danger but I was not afraid because I know Mother Mary is with us.
I cannot forget she was looking at me and smiling.
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