Thank you for all the glory you've given our country. No matter what, you are a legend.
Thank you for rising up to the call, giving your countrymen something to look forward to in every fight you've had in the international ring uniting us all even for just a day---watching you, cheering for you.
Thank you for using the fame to benefit a lot of your poor countrymen, helping them however you can. Instead of keeping it all to yourself, Heaven knows the generosity you've extended to the needy ones.
Thank you for taking the opportunity to speak openly for God and spreading His Word. It was so courageous of you. You are an inspiration to many of your countrymen.
And now that someone else has taken the title that used to be yours, you are given a different kind of opportunity to inspire us all the more: Submission to God's Will.
We know not what His plans for each of us are. We only need to submit ourselves to wherever God is leading us. His time, not ours.
You're probably subjected now into 'trials', who knows. Everybody does anyways. Specially when one becomes so vocal and active in spreading the Good News. Just stay put. Or, maybe, had you won that fight, you might start threading the path of arrogance just like some famous boxers did, only to suffer shame later on, one way or the other, before the eyes of the whole world. Maybe God is protecting you from traveling that path for you are so precious to Him and would do everything to protect you.
God loves you so much, you will be just fine.
God loves you so much, you will be just fine.
There's a time for everything. Even the Bible says that. You will know when its time to stop fighting. And when you do, stop. You do not need to prove anything to your countrymen anymore. You have already done it. And we believe in you. No matter what.