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The President, The Senate and the Supreme Court

Way back in high school, I remember my teacher saying that there are three bodies composing the government: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.  I don't remember what these bodies are technically called, I think its something like "pillars of government".  (I am tempted to Google now, but resisting!) And each of these bodies perform very defined functions distinct from one another. And most of all that I remember, the Supreme Court is just what its name is: supreme.  It cannot be questioned.  Because it is the defender of the Constitution, it is like the representation of the Constitution, the protector of all laws.  

But now, I am confused.  The impeachment trial of Judge Corona has seemingly started the persecution of the Supreme Court.  By who?  No less than the President and the Senate.

And my heart is sinking.

I am an obedient follower.  I look up high to the authorities.  I give them my utmost respect and loyalty. Until they start acting like inferiors.  That's when I start questioning.

I love my country.  In the last presidential election, when President Aquino won, beating the one I voted for, I immediately rebooted  my head and started looking forward to his promises being fulfilled, and proving what he meant to a lot of voters --- a unifier.  Unifying all factions of the government. 

But right after he won, my heart got broken.  When he chose not to take his oath with Justice Corona, it somehow affected me. It got into me.  I am not a die hard political fan but I  just felt disappointed.  He took advantage of his position to hurt someone, to embarrass someone, but most importantly, to disrespect someone representing the Supreme Court.  

Then, he followed it immediately with the dethronement of the then retiring AFP head.  With a few months going on for the man in his retirement, the President could not care less if  the man he was shaming has done lots of good works too that is worth his honor and respect.  All that matters to him is that tiny dot on the white paper.  He could not wait to make known to the world that he is all-knowing and seemingly infallible in his guesses. 

So then I started questioning who he is as a President.  Is he really a unifier?  Or is he out there to divide us all the more? 

I keep watching.  The SONA regained my hope for a bit again.  He is a good speaker.  

But now comes impeachment trial of Justice Corona. The President is taking away the supremacy of the Supreme Court this time.  And I hate him now for that.  

How dare you, Mr. President.  How dare you attempt to erase what I  have been taught in school about the pillars of the government and the supremacy that belongs to the Supreme Court.  How dare you put a doubt in what I've always believed in.  Just because you can question everyone does not mean you should.  I wonder if you question God too.

I feel sad for the senators appointed to hold the trial now.  I know they are just under the gun.  They are good men and women.  They should have been spending their time for us instead.  And since they do best in whatever is assigned to them, now they do best in prosecuting Justice Corona.

I feel so sad seeing the senators I heartily voted for do the wrong thing.  Twisting their questions here and there to force the defendants to spill the beans, not minding the laws that could be broken if these defendants give what they want.  How dare you, Senators.  You make the laws, why do you now force these people to break some?

Can you not just all be humble enough to let go of your ire on the ex-president instead of taking it out on these people?  Or be man enough to stand up to the President and say, "I will not do it, Mr. President.  It is not right." Most of all, CAN YOU NOT USE OUR MONEY FOR ALL THESE HATE ACTIVITIES ALREADY?! COME ON, LET'S MOVE ON.  LET'S WORK FOR PEACE AND UNITY INSTEAD OF DIVIDING US ALL THE MORE.  COME ON.  THE WORLD IS SO MUCH IN CHAOS ALREADY, PATI BA NAMAN SA SARILI KONG BANSA?  CAN YOU NOT ACT LIKE GROWN UPS???  WE DID NOT VOTE YOU FOR THIS!

This is all betrayal of confidence.  The Supreme Court should have fought back not to have this trial even started.  The Senate should not have participated in this.  And the President should have acted like a good leader unifying the pillars of the government instead of putting clouds of doubt over everybody's head.



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