When Jesus appeared to the disciples after resurrection, why did He choose the same people who betrayed Him? They were not perfect, why choose them again? He could have chosen to go and find others but why choose the same people? Why?
Because we are not perfect. We make mistakes.
Bam! Like a punch in my heart, the Holy Spirit moved me. There goes my answer!!!
My eyes shed tears at that point. How the Lord really do answer me when I need Him to clear up my confused heart.
That night, I thanked the Lord for having answered me. I realized that even Peter, who has betrayed Him three times at the time He could have needed loyalty from His disciples, Peter was never abandoned by the Lord after all these times, the church led by Peter is still standing strong, the Catholic church.
I also remembered the homily of another Holy Priest during Christimas dawn mass:
Christ came from a family of sinners, from generation to generation, there was always a sinner from his root. Sometimes we condemn our family members because we want to have a perfect family but look at the family of our Lord, He came from generations of sinners!
Now, I have decided.
I will stay with the Catholic Church. This is where God called me.
I will stay with the Catholic Church even if our highest shepherd is failing us. It is my duty to pray for him. He is not infallible like others teach. A pope is just another human being, like Peter who failed and sinned before God. So is our Pope.
I will stay with the Catholic Church. Specially when everything seems to be falling out of place. That is where I am needed the most.