I promised myself not to write anything about the US Election 2012 and instead vent all my hopes for the Americans through my daily rosary. But now that election is done, I can't help but feel the sadness over those who've voted for Mr. Mitt Romney. These people need change of leadership but now they have to live four more years with the leader they feel is making things more miserable for them. While the rest rejoice. I feel sad just because USA is not anymore the same USA I used to look up before. It used to have so many great men to admire, to look up to, to memorize their great lines to inspire the youth, even those who are not Americans. It used to have the Americans loving the memories of Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy and promoting and living what these two men have strived for. It used to be like one big country all united, just one place with one dream, one goal. It used to be the champion of democracy. Our big ...