Recently, we've this local news about the Filipina-Panamanian date rape issue. Girl complained to a senator of being raped by a Panamanian diplomat. Senator took action, bearing in heart that no foreigner should just step upon a Filipina dignity just like that. Heroic, seemingly.
But then, photos came out showing the Panamanian and the 19-year-old woman kissing in the elevator on their way up to his condominium unit in Makati City, where the alleged rape took place on the night of April 23. What does that tell us???
Girl going to the guy's place, just the two of them? Kissing on their way to the place?
The girl danced with the devil. She flirted with it. She invited it. What the hell should she expect? Do some book reading in the guy's condo?
The only reason why it is now called date rape is because she probably said "no" before the dirty deed. Even though all her actions, other than saying that word, were saying "yes".
That's where the confusion is. The girl said "no", but her actions showed "yes" just before the deed.
So, can you blame the guy? Regardless of his citizenship. Can you blame him? I think not.
The senator now feels he's alone without the support of the government in defending the girl. How can the government support something that is so obviously the fault of the girl??? Geez. Okay, I understand the fact that we ought to be on the side of the girl, being a Filipino. But I also understand that we are supposed to show the world that we are not IGNORANT to the things and ways of the world! Its okay to be innocent but to be ignorant? Come on. Give me a break.
This senator helping this girl should be better off promoting sex education the right way, incorporating this issue under "Chapter x: Preventive Meausures against Date Rape".
And, Womens' Organization GABRIELA screaming "stop the rape of our daughters"? That's what you get from being hypocrites, avoiding the topic of sex education, not choosing to educate your daughters or let those trained and knowledgeable experts talk to them about what really goes on among your daughters's hormones and the guys' testosterones and how crazy these can go and how forceful it can make you do things you don't really wanna do in the first place. Instead, you stick to "don't do it. just don't do it" thing. IT DOES NOT AND WILL NEVER WORK! See what happened to "Pamela"!