It's good to be full of love. Yes. But sometimes, I wished I was taught early also of how it is to hurt others. To say 'NO' when somebody means to do you wrong; 'NO' to even something that will seemingly benefit you but in the end will just corrupt your spirituality. Also, like, SAYING 'NO' TO AN EXTORTIONIST? Yesterday, I went to NBI provincial branch to renew/apply again for my clearance. ( I was happy to see that an ID was asked from the applicants before issuing an application form. Just an ID though, not two, in contrast to what's on the internet if you search it. But THAT WAS OK. At least, they seem to follow now the protocol. NOT LIKE THE LAST TIME I WAS WITH A FRIEND who just paid without even being asked for an ID where my friend in his dirty mind started toying with the idea of faking an identity. Just to trip.) The procedure went smooth until I was given the receipt with the accompanying words of the windo...