The universal playground of this century. The Internet. To some, serious playground maybe. Like for politicians running for presidency using the internet as one of their mediums to put down their opponents. To the intellectual, a venue to brainstorm with other wonderful minds, to exchange ideas and learn from each other. To others, a fun place to meet new people with common interests. To most, a challenging arena to make money from. However you look at it, its fun. A playground. And in any playground, no one wants a dirty player. We want respect even as we play. We expect all players to observe the rules, implied and expressly stated. Nice thing with the internet is, we don't have yet this universal bible or constitution that can totally put us in jail or cast us in hell for some serious reasons. There are no expressly stated rules, except for SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act), which I perso...