There are so many discouraging advices you will get from people around you when considering church annulment. Most of the time, they will tell you to go for civil annulment first, then after it is granted, go for the church annulment. If you fall for this trick, you will most likely to cross out the church annulment totally afterwards. Your call. Below is the almost-entire content of the 'Marriage "ANNULMENT" What? How?" by G.F. REYES, JCD, including the GROUNDS FOR ANNULMENT, that is freely given by the Archdiocese of Manila Office just for the asking. Some of it can be found also at the Archdiocese of Manila website: . The only missing part here is the "How to Make the Case History". ==================================================================================== (Marriage "ANNULMENT" What? How?" by G.F. REYES, JCD) Dear Friends, The ending of a marital relationship,...